
How To Create A Jutsu

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Post Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 5:17 pm   Post subject: Creating a jutsu in game? Reply with quote

so ive been thinking of creating a jutsu in a game im in now but i dont quite understand the creation rules for jutsu. (its more so im looking at them and then the stuff around it and cant seem to connect them how they should be)

so i was woundering if anyone could explain in a straight forward way of how its done.

(i do know that some/most of it would have to be worked out the gm but im just wanting to better understand how to create one and what it would be consider because i see kin and hijutsu being thrown around but unsure if that means when creating one it counts as a kin/hijutsu)

Edit: (didnt want to post another question)
as in other post ive said im an inuzuka (and this is still true) but i want to make sure im doing this right.
for animal companion chakra does it ever increase? (i did not see something in the book that says it does.)

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Sexually progressive Valkyrie

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Post Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:09 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

To create a jutsu, first write it up like jutsu in the book and present it to your GM for approval. Once they approve, you can start learning it as normal.

Note that, as per the Technique chapter (page 260, specifically) creating a technique requires 2 additional successes, and you suffer a -2 penalty to your Learn check. (If you are 5+ levels higher than the technique's rank, you only require 1 additional success)

Don't forget that Rank and Complexity affect the Learn DC of techniques. (It's all listed in the file, a few pages before 260).

Kinjutsu and Hijutsu are only indicators about what level of secrecy they happen to be. They are always tied to a person, clan, area, etc. Hijutsu tend to be secrets for a person, clan or village that is rarely (if ever) taught to outsiders. Kinjutsu are a step higher, and tend to be so powerful or morally reprehensible that teaching such techniques is generally prohibited, and instructions for learning such techniques are locked away in very secure locations.


I'm fairly certain animal companions are not heroic characters and so would not gain chakra per level, or bonus chakra from Constitution. Even if they did, they couldn't perform techniques. Nin animals might be a different story, but I'm not sure.
Oy, this is going to be troublesome *sigh*

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Biffu Aroi

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Post Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 3:20 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Everything has Chakra. Heroic Characters just get more. The rules for it are under the section for chakra.
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Post Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 6:40 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Athildur wrote:

I'm fairly certain animal companions are not heroic characters and so would not gain chakra per level, or bonus chakra from Constitution. Even if they did, they couldn't perform techniques. Nin animals might be a different story, but I'm not sure.

actual they do have chakra by the feat to moujuu something (forgot its full name) and that dogs start off with 1 cp. if u look at the npc akumaru has 6 chakra and would be counted as level 5 by moujuu rules.

so he started with 1 cp then some how gained 5 cp more in the span of 5 levels. the only thing i can come up with for why is that he gained 1 chakra per level and 2 at first level.

this is more where my confusion is.

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Biffu Aroi

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Post Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:06 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

From the PDF under the chakra rules as I stated:
Chakra Pool: A heroic character's chakra pool is 2 chakra per level, doubled at first level. A character whose Constitution score is high enough gains a certain amount of bonus chakra depending on his Constitution score. A character with levels in an ordinary class does not gain this bonus chakra.


Nonheroic Creatures: A nonheroic character or creature does not gain chakra reserve, and while bonus chakra from a high Constitution score, feats and abilities is applied normally, the final result is halved. Some abilities, such as the Rare subtype, can grant nonheroic creatures an increased chakra pool.

TL;DR: All creatures get 2 chakra/HD plus bonus chakra as described on the bonus chakra table, but halved.

You should NOT look at the character statblocks EVER. They are from very old rules and have not been updated.

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Post Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:37 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

ok so based on what ur saying dogs work exactly like real characters but divide the result by 2?

or are u saying they have 2 chakra at level 1 and gain 2 more chakra at each level and divide the result by 2?

and u say dont trust the stat blocks for characters (which i know not to but at that point it was the only thing i had to go by) but does that mean not to trust this as well

Dog Companion (level+1): CR 1/4; Tiny animal; HD 1d8; hp 4; Mas 50; Init +3; Spd 30ft.; Defense 16, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural); BAB +0; Grap �4; Atk +1 melee (1d3-1, bite); FS 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ low-light vision, scent; AL companion; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1; AP 0; CP 1; Str 9, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6. Skills: Jump +2, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +1 (+5 when tracking by scent), Swim +4. Feats: None. Skill Bonus: Dogs gain a +2 species bonus on Jump checks. Dogs also gain a +4 species bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

on page 293 right below and apart of

Animal Companions (Moujuu Aishou)
Advancement: All animal companions advance by HD and as shown on table 11-1.

on page 292

if so then what do i use to determine my stats for my dog because it is not a nin animal yet. as it grows it will be able to be like a nin animal but is still an animal companion and doesn't require to seek out a master or learn a summon.

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Biffu Aroi

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Post Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:47 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

I said ignore the character statblocks. Those specifically have not been updated.

As far as chakra goes. Your companion gets 2 Chakra per HD for sure, as a base.

From there, depending on their Con score, they get a certain amount of bonus chakra per level as described under the chakra pool section in the rules. As it says in the rules I posted, this bonus chakra is divided by half and that's what the animal companion gets instead.

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Post Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 3:57 pm   Post subject: inuzuka over fang Reply with quote

[my question put short is the jutsu fang over fang in the book as a jutsu not over fang (1 person) but fang over fang (2 people)]

so i was just about to create the jutsu ive been thinking of in my head but it requires fang over fang. though all my planing on going inuzuka there isnt a way to use fang over fang.

so there is over fang which is for 1 person/animal, but fang over fang isnt for just 1 person.

the jutsu does say "An animal companion may execute this technique only in Juujin Bunshin state (often during a pincer maneuver called Gatsuuga)."

Gatsuuga is fang over fang and actual would have other effects depending on how it is used.
there's it being done as a pincer {---> | <--- }
there's it being done from the same side........................{ ---> | }
.......................................................................{ || }....{ ---> | }
and there's it being done like heaven twin fang { \/ }
.......................................................................{ -- }
the pincer would cause more dmg by being stuck and clashed by both sides. heaven twin fang would cause more dmg and have a bigger knock back (or more dmg against a hard place). the last one would only cause a bigger knock back.

so is there actual a fang over fang or Gatsuuga or do they need to be made? if it is in the book does it allow these variations?

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Sexually progressive Valkyrie

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Post Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 1:48 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Gatsuuga as a technique does not exist as the book seems to assume it is simply a simultaneous Tsuuga (which is in the book) from both the user and their animal.
Oy, this is going to be troublesome *sigh*
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Post Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:29 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

"simultaneous Tsuuga (which is in the book) from both the user and their animal"

ok if that's true then how would that work in combat.
rin is me. kenji is dog, enemies are enemies

round x
Rin: goes first and as proper jutsus active to use Tsuuga. it hits and resolves.
enemy 1: trys to hit rin but misses cuz he is awesome
kenji: also uses tsuuga to make Gatsuuga... "simultaneous Tsuuga"?

enemy 1 had his action yet its simultaneous?
thats what doesn't make sense to me for that jutsu at least. if you and your animal roll different turn orders and are not back to back it just isn't going to happen simultaneously.

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Biffu Aroi

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Post Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:25 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

You and your animal companion go on the same initiative.
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Sexually progressive Valkyrie

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Post Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:21 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

SirShadow wrote:
You and your animal companion go on the same initiative.

And even if you didn't, either of you could simply delay so that you do. Or you could say 'I ready Tsuuga for when the other's turn is up'. Or something. Your GM shouldn't object to that.
Oy, this is going to be troublesome *sigh*

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Post Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:54 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

got it talk to dm.

and i have another question about creating a jutsu.

how do you name them in japanese. ive looked at the wiki i looked at the book and i looked at some translates for tsuuga or piercing fang the best one that came close changed piercing fang into sharp fang from english to japanese to english again.

any other translator changed it to something kiba. im just unsure what dialect or form of japanese the book and show are using. even the wiki seems to be using different forms of naming the jutsu from the book itself.

what im trying to name is either heaven's piercing fang or piercing fang of heaven.
it would be fine if something actual said tsuuga when typing in piercing fang but nothing ever did so im unsure if im naming the jutsu right?

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Post Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:56 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

you could use the its a great site imo
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Sexually progressive Valkyrie

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Post Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:14 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

I used to use this one. It contains a decent way to search, but obviously gives you little to no indication of whether the words you choose end up being something japanese people would actually use.

For example, tsuuga, when I reverse search 'piercing fang', seems to be a contraction of 'tsuukan' (piercing through, penetrating) and while I can't find 'ga' to mean fang on its own, searches do return (for example) dokuga 'poison fang' ('doku' being poison). (It's possible that 'ha' (tooth) or 'hanone' (fang) becomes 'ga' when making such a contraction, but I have no idea whether that can happen)
Oy, this is going to be troublesome *sigh*

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How To Create A Jutsu


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